Zonquasdrift to Gouda bridge: 16.1km
Gouda bridge to Train bridge: 14.4km
Train bridge to Drie Heuwels weir: 9.1km
Drie Heuwels weir to Bridgetown: 6.1km

1 Start Zonquasdrift (8:00)
-33.3422, 18.9789

A good vantage point as the paddlers pass under (or over the low bridge and weir).

2 Gouda Bridge (9:00)
-33.2567, 18.9694

Return to the tar road and turn left towards Tulbagh. Turn left towards Gouda / Porterville. Drive past Gouda and turn left towards Moorreesburg on a dirt road. It is advisable to park on the main road and watch from the bridge.

3 Railway Bridge (10:00)
-33.0247, 18.7881

Follow the dirt road toward Moorreesburg all the way to the turning after you have crossed the railway line. If you are towing a caravan rather carry on towards Bridgetown or leave it at the gate. This is a beautiful spot. Close the gates.

4 Drie Heuwels (10:55)
-33.1325, 18.8639

Only enter if the farm gate is unlocked. Close the gate behind you.

5 Bridgetown / NGK Kampterrein (11:15)
-33.1067, 18.8412

Follow the dirt road towards Moorreesburg until you join the tar road and turn right towards Bridgetown. Follow the tar road for about 4km and turn right onto a dirt road at the gate towards Bridgetown. Enjoy a most fantastic view up the river from the lawns in front of the bungalows. A great picnic spot.